Our mission

To create the greatest possible benefit with our customer-specific developed solutions and processes.

In the 21st century, it is above all the software that determines the competitiveness of companies. To stand out from the competition, it is not enough to use the same standard software as everyone else.


We are the optimal software company when it comes to making our customers the market leader in their industry, improving their end-customer relationships, automating processes, opening up new markets, optimizing cost structures, and displaying a digital image with innovative strength as a figurehead.
more than €2 million is transacted daily via our software platforms. For over 26 years, we have been developing agile and cross-industry individual software solutions in the areas of B2B, B2C and B2B2C.


The clou: Our customers do not have to understand anything about software. Our customers do not have to worry about highly qualified computer scientists or changing technologies. Our customers have relied on our software for over 26 years and have multiplied their revenue, in most cases tenfold, without ever changing software platforms or technologies. This is due to the fact that all our platforms are updated on a weekly basis, like currently our core system, which is already running on JAVA 21.

Philipp Neie
Managing Director / CEO
Schweitzer Fachinformationen

"Tailored to our needs, the software solution from ICONPARC represents a unique competitive advantage for us. It is generic and scalable, can also map complex requirements and its technology is secure for the future. An independent audit by Lufthansa Industry Solutions recently confirmed this for us."

Next generation online shopping: RED ZAC receives "Best Mobile & Online Solution Award"

RED ZAC wins coveted "Retail Innovation Award" from Euronics Group

And immediately another prize ...

  • Austrian Retail Innovation Award 2023 Best Online / Mobile Solution
  • Retail Innovation Award of the Euronics Group 2023
  • Winner in two categories of the Shopping Index 2023 of the Austrian Trade Association
  • Kununu TOP Company 2023
  • FOCUS TOP Employer Medium-Sized Businesses 2022
  • Kununu TOP Company 2022
  • Austrian Retail Innovation Award 2020 Best Omnichannel Innovation
  • FOCUS Best Employer 2018 in the category Telecommunications and IT
  • INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT "Best of 2018" in the category APPs
  • Best OnlineShop B2B in 2009
  • Best OnlineShop B2B in 2007